CuteXdoom II is a game- modification and installation which is the second installment in the artists' CuteXdoom videogame series. The modification hijacks the traditionally violent Unreal Tournament 3 technology to create a luscious and surreal gaming experience. CuteXdoom II continues to explore the themes of obsession and fanatical adherence to...
Mobile telephone technologies are having profound effects on the nature of communication. Spatial distance combines with social proximity, allowing mediated nomadic intimacies to flourish. Bad bandwidth, infrastructure, and blank spots break it down again. Breaking Up explores the effects of mobile communication failure.
L.A.S is constructed from creative commons and public domain media. This process is intended to reflect the constructed nature of historical recollection and storytelling. Whilst the documentary format appears to have narrative integrity, it quickly reveals itself to be false. The aim of this ‘false documentary’ form is to create...
Maybe, Maybe Not is a digital visualisation of analysis paralysis: a behavioural anti-pattern underpinning so much of contemporary society. It underscores the binary struggle between risk taking and lack thereof, enacted by a democratic process hijacked by conflicting self-interests, where a two-party political system turns inwards and disconnects itself from...