Douglas Watkin is a highly regarded Torres Strait Islander producer and director, renowned for his documentaries and dramas. Douglas is passionate about sharing Indigenous stories. The Queen and I tells the story of Douglas’ father, Edward Watkin's encounter with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II when she visited...
A digital media artwork BLACKBOX: Painting A Digital Picture of Documented Memory, generated through the media technologies of interactive multimedia, exploiting the creative potentials of digitally produced music, sound, image and text relationships in a disc based and online (Internet) environment. The artwork evolves from an imaginary electronic landscape that...
A digital film by Geoffrey Weary CAPTIVE explores the themes of repression, confinement and escape. These themes are expressed through the incorporation of grainy VHS footage shot in Berlin at the time of the collapse of the Berlin Wall, hand-held camera sequences shot in a maze-like forest and slices of footage...
Light/Strike a digital film by Geoffrey Weary
A vignette from Strange Cities CD-Rom: Mordente produced in association with Screen Australia (AFC) copyright 2000. Copyright Tatiana Puentes