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User Unfriendly Interface

Josephine Starrs, Leon Cmielewski



Produced with the assistance of the Australian Film Commission

User Unfriendly Interface, CD ROM/Installation on themes of conspiracy theories, male vs female concept of space, dating services, mens issues & personality testing.

1997 Video Positive, Liverpool, UK
1997 Lab6, Warsaw, Poland
1997 Transmedia ‘97, Berlin, Germany
1997 Street Level, Photography Centre, Glasgow, UK
1997 Beyond Technology, London Film Makers Cooperative, London, UK
1997 Technoloust, Antwerp, Belgium.
1997 Steirisher Herbst, Graz, Austria
1997 Cyber Cultures II, Casula Powerhouse, Sydney
1996 Perception & Perspective, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
1996 Robotica, Melbourne International Film Festival
1996 Cybercultures, Performance Space
1996 Next Wave Festival, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
1996 Canberra School of Art Gallery, New Media Network Gallery
1995 ISEA 95 Montreal Canada,
1995 Monash Gallery, Melbourne
1995 Weird Science, Australian Embassy Gallery, Manila, Philippines
1994 Weird Science, Experimental Art foundation, Adelaide SA

User Unfriendly Interface, User Unfriendly Interface – via Vimeo