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Tracing Moonlight

Ella Condon

Ella Condon’s recent moving image work Tracing Moonlight was created in partnership with Sydney Observatory. The artwork investigates methods of measuring time through recording the phases of the moon over winter 2015.  Filmed from the Sydney Observatory telescope, the artist was interested in the capturing imagery of the illuminated area of the visible sphere during a blue moon and waxing crescent moon.  However the potentially large non-visible region of its surface remained unseen.  By attempting to see greater detail and therefore attain an understanding of its surface, we see its history of indentations and crevices visible from large impact events. The gravitational field and atmospheric radiation waves leave the viewer with a level invisible, as the sphere comes in and out of visibility.  Here the work allows us to consider the vast non-visible spectrum of sight and its potentiality. 


Ella Condon, Tracing Moonlight, 2016, digital video, audio, 9:45min