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Dirty Laundry

Lou Steer

A diva at heart, Lou Steer is a cabaret artist who takes her poetry to the people  - in museums (MCA and Australian Museum), nightclubs, even graveyards.  Lou's poems explore the many faces of love. She speaks of hearts and flowers, but the hearts are fractured and the flowers have thorns.

Lou Steer’s poems are published in her chapbook, Wild Red Heart; her ebook, The Forests of the Night, and the anthologies, The Last Conversation and On Second Thoughts  (both Bankstown Youth Development Services), Guide to Sydney Rivers (Meuse Press), and Can I Tell You a Secret? (Gininderra Press). She is the convenor of Caravan Slam, the largest poetry slam in Sydney’s inner west. 


Louise Steer, Dirty Laundry, 2015, poem, performance