Vahid Vahed was born in Tehran, Iran in 1959. He attended high school and later university in England during 1975-81. He studied civil engineering and communications, majoring in photography and film studies. Vahid lived and worked as an editor and a photographer in Germany for three years before immigrating to Australia in 1984.
Vahid has worked as a journalist, University lecturer, film and television producer/director, curator and video artist since he arrived in Australia as well as completing an Associate Diploma, Charles Sturt University (Television and Sound Production), Bachelor of Fine Arts, College Of Fine Arts UNSW (Sound, Performance and Installation) Master of Art, College Of Fine Arts UNSW (Time Based Art).
During 1998-2003, he was employed by the NSW Ministry for the Arts as a Multicultural Arts Officer and has been the Artistic Director and Founder of Auburn International Film and Video Festival for Children and Young Adults (est. 1998) and CINEWEST (est. 1999). In 2002, Vahid was elected as the Vice President of CIFEJ (International Centre of Films for Children and Young People), an international organization conceived and established by UNESCO and UNICEF in 1955. Vahid was awarded a two years fellowship from Australia Council for the Arts for researching, initiating and developing community cultural development practices and screen culture activities locally, regionally, nationally and internationally during 2003-2005.