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Andre Brodyk

South Australia

Dr Andre Brodyk is an internationally recognised biotech (genetic) artist. Dr Brodyk's practice–based PhD from UNSW (2009) is entitled, 'Genetic art and recombinants: Introns non-code and the proto-animate condition'. His practice-led research has realised a number of important creative, practice-based outcomes: First Australian artist to exhibit inanimate genetically modified material as art, chimeara 08, Herringbone Gallery, Sydney, 1999. First Australian artist to develop (SymbioticA lab, UWA, Catts, Cass) and Exhibit inanimate transgenic organisms as art, DNArt, ‘Biofeel’ BEAP 02, PICA, 2002. First Australian artist to make transgenic, triple species artwork, (Lewis lab, UoN 2002) and exhibit living GMOs as Art 488nm, ‘Intersections’, SCA Gallery, 2003. First Australian artist researcher to create synthesised novel biocompatible nc DNA in a molecular lab (Lewis lab, UoN), 2006. First Australian artist to create and exhibit living ‘Junk DNA’ as art, Proto-animate 04, ‘Stenhals’ Syndrome’, GPG, 2008. First Australian artist to use living non-synthetic genomic introns, in transgenic transformation as art, Nb, (tobacco plant with salmon sperm). (Carroll teaching lab , UQ), 2010. The artist has undertaken numerous artist residencies inside laboratories since 2001. These include: 2010, School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, University of Queensland (UQ) 2010-2003, School of Environmental and Life Sciences, The University of Newcastle, (UoN) 2008, Institute for Molecular Bioscience , UQ 2002-2001,SymbioticA Research Laboratory, School of Human Anatomy, UWA. Dr Brodyk’s research engages with recombinant processes and molecular materials as models of material creativity and as the agencies of art-based expression. His ongoing practice-led research adopts and adapts recent scientific argument overturning prevailing conventions regarding the veracity of non-coding molecular materials within recombinant matrices.

Birth place
Adelaide , South Australia