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Jeffrey Shaw

In this interactive laser-disc-based work the viewer has to push a protruding steel bar to rotate a column-mounted monitor which in turn animates the images on its screen. A friction plate forces the viewers to exert themselves physically. Turning the monitor in one direction, the viewer rotates a virtual millstone and grinds grain into flour. Pushing it in the other direction, he interactively rifles through a large number of images that signalise many of the major social uprisings and revolutions over the last 200 years worldwide. These images - all originally created for An Imaginary Museum of Revolutions (1988) - are digitally processed collages made from documentary photographic sources. Credits:

Software: Gideon May
Hardware: Huib Nelissen, Charly Jungbauer and Bas Bossinade


1990-94: Imago - Fin de siècle in Dutch Contemporary Art: Kunst-RAI (1990), Amsterdam, Netherlands; Kulturni dom (1991), Bratislava, Czechoslovakia; Palao de la Virreina (1992), Barcelona, Spain; Edificio de Alfandega do Porto (1992), Oporto, Portugal; Hara Art Museum (1994), Gunma, Japan.

1990: Video Art Festival, Locarno, Switzerland

1992: World Expo, Seville, Spain.

1993: Mediale, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, Germany.

1994: Tart 94: Mens en cyberspace, Expositie van interactieve installaties, De Vrijhof Universiteit, Twente, Netherlands.

1995: Kwangju Biennale Ô95, Seoul, Korea.
