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Double Space (1985)

Jill Scott

Double Space (1985)
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney, Australia. 6-24 August, 1985

Photo: Cathie Vogan
Actors: Cat: Julie Rapp, Bird: Vineta Lagzdina, Horse: Ann Graham, Fish: Jade McCutcheon, Wolf: Janet Laurence, Snake: Jill Scott
Music: The Dynabytes
Assistance: Sue Maslin,
Video Mix: Peter Butterworth
Sponsored by Fairlight Instruments Ltd. Sydney

Collection: Art Gallery of New South Wales Sydney, Australia; Video Scan Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.

From the room sheet for the Roslyn Oxley9 exhibition of Double Sapce

They say I was tricked by the wolves, but I am She wolf of the Underworld, and such a guide would never trick herself. They say I rode naked in protest, but I am both Sophie and Helen-A Horse in pursuit of myself.
They say I am patron of the sailor, sabotager of ships but I liberated those from their faith in their own image, after all I am only a fish.
They say I was tempted by the Serpent, with an apple, but this "fall" was a "gain" the serpent is my son Lucifer and I am my son Medusa.
They say I put blackbirds in a pie fit for a king but I am Vivian the owl Queen and some Kings are no longer wise, after all the pie was the moon.
They say I rode through the night on a broomstick, but I am patron of magic, Cat Lady of the Subconscious and playful objects soon become obsolete.
[Jill Scott. Text for Video]

Doublespace builds on previous themes of metamorphosis by taking a remote point of view back towards the spinning planet as the remnants of deconstructed myths and fairytales form new and surprising narratives...
[Linda Wallace from Perspecta Catalogue '85

"T.V. pointillism, a departure-toward the timeless"
[Claudine McMundi. '85]

Invitation card to the Roslyn Oxley9 gallery presentation of Double Space, 1985.
Invitation card to the Roslyn Oxley9 gallery presentation of Double Space, 1985.