The MyCy series was started after discovering it was a major form of communication between most urban Koreans in their 20’s. It’s popularity is no surprise after one discovers how sophisticated it is yet so user friendly. Coupled with the fact that super high speed broadband is the norm and there’s a dollar-an-hour Internet café on just about every corner, updating your Minihompy (mini hompage) everyday is de rigueur.
What makes it so interesting is the miniroom, one of the main features of a Cyworld minihompy. It’s a blank room a user can decorate so in essence it becomes their online ‘living room†or any other type of space they desire. On the surface, it seems trivial, but it’s a reflection of life in Seoul as a young person. Most live with their parents till they get married and the home in general is exclusively for the family, not a place for socializing. So the miniroom is the public manifestation of one’s perfect “private†space.