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National Organisation of Media Arts Database (NOMAD)

The National Organization of Media Arts Database (NOMAD) is to become a comprehensive and current body of literature on the evolving area of Media Art within tertiary education. NOMAD will provide a social network through Web 2.0 technology that will act as a platform for the creative exchange of ideas, information, curricular models and best practice solutions from across this continually evolving field of study.

 The creation of such a community will serve the purpose of expanding interdisciplinary research on a national level. The data gathered will develop a body of information for promoting and facilitating a knowledge base on the proliferation of media/electronic art through collaboration between academics and media artists. Such collaborations have the potential to create hybridized knowledge beneficial to emerging areas.

Emerging technologies affect all areas within the arts and in turn other disciplines across the universities. The ability of art to develop inter and trans-disciplinary approaches across these areas is increasing rapidly. This scoping study is paving the way for participation in the world of science, culture and technology. Media/electronic art is continually re-delineating its definitions of materials and contexts within the new modalities in which it operates.