Michael Chion defined the term Synchresis to mean “the spontaneous and irresistible weld produced between a particular auditory phenomenon and visual phenomenon when they occur at the same time.”
Synchresis DVD
The Synchresis DVD, curated by Mitchell Whitelaw brought together ten Australian sound artists: Gordon Monro, Wade Marynowsky, Peter Newman, Jean Poole, BotBorg, Julian Oliver & Steven Pickles, Robin Fox, Andrew Gadow and Abject Leader. 3000 copies were circulated in Filter Issue 66 nationally and internationally and the DVD was launched at the Chauvel Cinema Sydney with live performances by Robin Fox, Peter Newman and Ian Andrews.
Synchresis Performance
To launch the Synchresis DVD a ground breaking performance was held at the Chauvel Cinema In Sydney. Artists Robin Fox, Peter Newman and Ian Andrews were properly showcased at a well attended event that acknowledged the significant work undertaken by the Australian sound art community.