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Scanner - aka Robin Rimbaud - Tour

3 October 199620 October 1996

Scanner aka Robin Rimbaud is a London-based very nomadic sound artist, composer and DJ who works both as an individual artist and in collaboration with other musicians, choreographers, performance artists, writers and filmmakers.


Scanner started his tour on 3 October with an extensive live-to-air interview with Triple J Radio.  On 4 October, following a recording session at the ABC for the Radio National program Meridian, Scanner performed at The Lyric Theatre in a night of contemporary sound organised for Virogenesis by Zonar Recordings and EAR. This was a fantastic night attended by approximately 450 people. Australian performers included Size, Atone, OJ Buddy Love and DJ Zeitgeist. Using a common scanning device Scanner captured live phone conversations and mixed them with techno type sounds to create a haunting ephemeral sound event.

The Performance Space and Artspace hosted a performed talk by Scanner and a lecture by Matt Fuller on 5 October. 


Scanner travelled to Canberra on 9 October to present a performed talk at the Australian National University co-ordinated by the PhotoMedia Department of the School of Art. This was attended by a very enthusiastic audience of over 100 art and music students and local artists. Scanner drew comparisons with his sound work to the work of installation artist Christian Boltanski who had a major exhibition at the ANG at this time, focussing on the ephemeral nature of memory and fragments.


The Perth Institute of Contemporary Art hosted agents Gomma and Scanner for a presentation at the Alexander Mackie Library on 12 October.


Scanner's  Melbourne visit commenced on 16 October with a talk attended by 35 people at the McClelland Art Gallery co-ordinated by NETS Victoria. On 18 October Scanner performed to a full house at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art. This gig was co-ordinated by Contemporary Art and Technology. On 19 October Scanner performed at the Melbourne Fringe Festival's closing night party at Station Pier. On 20 October Scanner performed at The Lounge in Melbourne and met local sound artists and DJs.

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