As part of the archive project I interviewed Kate Richards, who set up the first two Super 8 festivals, and Mark Titmarsh, who was instrumental in the formation of the Sydney Super 8 Film Group later to become Sydney Intermedia Network and finally d/Lux/Media/Arts. Kate, you initiated the first Super 8...
colour, sound, Super 8 Banner is described as "A compressed history of US expansionism by way of some well-known cultural icons."1 "Working backwards, the distinctive red stripes of Sydney's Coca Cola sign and REagan's Star Wars policy must have inspired that original star-spangled banner worked out by Betsy Ross and George Washington...
A selection of Australian film and video art presented by the Sydney Super 8 Film Group at the Domain Theatre, Art Gallery of NSW during March 1990. It featured works by Victoria Dawson, Melanie El Mir, Dennis Wilcox and Derek Kreckler, Liz Watts, David Opitz, Rosie Cross, Stephen Cummings, Barbara Campbell,...
"But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects,...
In 1988 Mark Titmarsh received funding from the Australian Bicentennial Authority to tour the Metaphysical TV Program of Super 8 films first screened in 1987 to venues in the US and Venezuela. The film program was the same lineup of films originally screened in Australia and was toured to the...